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Friday, January 12, 2007

Ye gods and little fishes.

Ye gods and little fishes. (I cannot tell you how much trouble it took to punch through the spellchecker with that title, but it took me close to 10 minutes because of the word ye. That's what it's like with the technologically impaired. "What's going on?" you ask. I’m working on a belated New Year's resolution, after exhausting topics for journal entries. After only 50 years of composing this drivel I've gone to current topics for inspiration. (Lucky you, if I'd started at the other end of the historical gamut I'd take up the Sumerians in Iraq ala 5,000 BC.) Yes, to spur me on, I might have drawn topics from the morning newspaper. But in this case I’m inspired by online newsfeeds to pep up my sagging journal. I'll check out better feeds, if you'll suggest them.

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