Life needs good books and stories and articles as well as movies that matter (or not) and a few photographs. Read about some of them here.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Off to Another Venue for Now

All of the entries in this free Google blog ( have now been moved to my older site (, a commercial spot I've owned for several years at another host (

The old site held a blog for a couple of years using software called Greymatter. I lost interest in the site, but can't tell you why. Maybe I got tired of the sound of my own voice. In any case, I've resurrected the old blog at using WordPress, a newer and much respected "open source" blog program.

I've a great deal to learn about how to run a blog using the controls WordPress places at our disposal. And I'm excited about the prospect. In small ways I hope to give you a feel for building and nursing a blog, yet not bore you with the details. We'll see if that's possible.

In any case, you can expect to see less traffic here at and more at Why not hop over there and check it out right now? Click here.

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