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Friday, January 12, 2007

Jean Shepherd Footnote

What's NOT new: There’s a fresh monster game available today for the Xbox, Microsoft’s stage/platform for virtual warfare and tests of wit. The Xbox sells between $350 and $550, and the game I read about cost $60. A pittance set against tax breaks for the wealthy. I remember the days when we could build a go-kart with an apple crate if we could find wheels. On my block we marveled when folks found wheels. Wheel-rationing offered traffic control on the sidewalks. When a new “box” did enter the track I suspected someone had taken apart a neighbor’s wagon, proving you could learn from play in Stealing 101. Not really. That would’ve been theft, and we knew the difference, at least by age six. Some mothers advised against building models of the Graham Supercharger -- "You could put your eye out."

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