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Thursday, January 18, 2007

All for One and One for All

THOMAS B. EDSALL, an op-ed writer in the NYT today, says the eight-point Democratic laundry list voted or advanced during the first 100 hours of this term in the House suggests that our two parties in Congress are in an encouraging mode of cooperating to get new laws passed or old laws corrected. At the same time, he argues, you can’t enact measures that cost money without either raising taxes or cutting what else is spent, if you intend to hold the line. I want to go down on the list of those courageous citizens who are willing to cut federal costs for programs that don’t affect them, and the increase in funds for measures that do. I also want to note that Edsall has (1) come down as pleased that Democrats got things done in the early hours of this Congressional term and has (2) declared his reservations about a party that could end up increasing taxes to pay the bills. The country needs more of that kind of bipolar commendation.

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