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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Zeus Done It. Cronus' Kid.

“Zeus is the ruler of the gods and the god of the sky and the god of weather and the sky.
“He was the son of Cronus. But Cronus fearing that one of his children would over through him so he swallowed each of Zeus’s brothers and sisters. So Cronus wife gave him a special herb so he barfed up all of them then, they revolted against him and he died.”

Quote found at

This sounds like mayhem. I was looking for someone to blame for the four days of what feels like 110 degree heat lately (> 8/1/2006), and was tired of cussing out the TV weather people, none of whom merit more than a glance. I googled “weather god” and as you see above I got Zeus, and a lot more about Cronus and family. I don’t want to check out the meaning of all the references to he and him in this quote, or consider whether he through up or just barfed. The Net would lose more than it would gain by editing. I’m now happy blaming Zeus. Ready for my best shot? Here 'tis.

Especially for hurricanes, shame on you, Zeus.

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