Life needs good books and stories and articles as well as movies that matter (or not) and a few photographs. Read about some of them here.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

LeRoy Done It

Okay. LeRoy is a magnificent animal, for a twerp. On our hike he made one new friend and scared a cat. The new friend is Elmo and belongs to a guy with a long leash and no taste. The guy walks along one side of the walkway and his dog Elmo on the other and the leash between them sweeps the path. Clever guy, Elmo's owner. I'm coming by on my bike soon and will charge the cordon. I'll probably end up where I did the last time I dared a car driver. On my face among my bicycle parts blaming the barnstormer for it all. So I'm impatient. His SUV outweighed me by 3,000 pounds. Couldn't he be cool? Since my flight over the handlebars I've healed, and it took some doing. But my bike cables and a few other moving parts of the machine are scraped and frayed. How come machines can't learn to heal like the rest of us? Even LeRoy can do this. Please explain the gap between people and machines in less than 100 words. Post here. Thanks.


Where does the time go? I was in August and now I'm in December and you've been waiting for me to say something clever. Won't happen, most likely. But I want you to know I feel bad about leaving you out in the rain like this. I intend to be a better blogger real soon. You can count on it. The problem is that I started up several different blogs at the same time and paid none of them proper attention. All this is to declare a new policy. My dog LeRoy is panting at my side and wants to go for a walk. So I'll honor his place in the line and get back to you soon. Thanks for your patience.